Evolution, characteristics and challenges of film criticism in Basque



Published 30-11-2017
Iñaki Lazkano Arrillaga Simón Peña Fernández


The objective of this research work is to analyze the evolution and renewal of film reviews in the Basque press in recent years. In addition to the texts elaborated Andrés Gostin in Euskaldunon Egunkaria and Gontzal Agote in Berria, those written by Koldo Mitxelena in the magazine Egan have also been analyzed. This analysis not only reflects how the script, the staging, the narrative rhythm and the interpretation are analyzed, but also the reflections and cultural references provided. In addition to describing the evolution of film reviews in Basque, this article lists its most significant features and identifies its main future challenges.

How to Cite

Lazkano Arrillaga, I., & Peña Fernández, S. (2017). Evolution, characteristics and challenges of film criticism in Basque. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 22(43). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.18300
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