Third sector's communication and youth commitment in the digital era



Published 29-05-2018
Carmen García Galera Cristóbal Fernández Muñoz Jesús del Olmo Barbero


The Third Sector organizations have found in social networks a communication tool to reach and involve young people in the most effective way. This article addresses the important role that digital communication is playing in the relations of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with these audiences. Through the technique of the discussion group with communication directors from different NGOs, it is found that it is necessary to improve and adapt their communication strategies targeted to young people including new approaches and techniques part of the social internet, such as the use of celebrities, youtubers or bloggers.

How to Cite

García Galera, C., Fernández Muñoz, C., & del Olmo Barbero, J. (2018). Third sector’s communication and youth commitment in the digital era. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 23(44).
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