Images of the Other in digital Basque press. The case of the media coverage of the Barometers about perceptions of immigration published by Ikuspegi in 2017 and 2018



Published 26-11-2020
Taide Arteta Esnal
Maite Fouassier Zamalloa
Iraide Fernández Aragón


This article analyses the role of press photography as a vehicle for building alterity, that is, the figure of the Other. Using the technique of textual analysis and relying on framing theory, it focuses on the news related to the Barometers published by Ikuspegi – Basque Observatory of Immigration in 2017 and 2018 to see how the images of the digital Basque press visually recreate some of the stereotypes found in the society according to immigrants.


How to Cite

Arteta Esnal, T., Fouassier Zamalloa, M., & Fernández Aragón, I. (2020). Images of the Other in digital Basque press. The case of the media coverage of the Barometers about perceptions of immigration published by Ikuspegi in 2017 and 2018. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 25(49).
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photography, press, migration, news framing, stereotypes, text analysis

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