Three ways of comic relief for documentary film: new diegesis, new ethic and new technology



Published 29-05-2021
Xabier Ortiz de Urbina Arandigoien


The story of the documentary is not characterized by its abundance of humorous moments, in fact the opposite. However, since the resurgence of documentary film making after the 90s, some filmmakers have emerged with proposals that take the documentary to a new paradigm in which comedy is at the forefront. This article proposes three ways to reach this new paradigm, in which non-fiction cinema has to overcome some narrative and formal constraints that would otherwise keep it away from any comic possibility.

How to Cite

Ortiz de Urbina Arandigoien, X. (2021). Three ways of comic relief for documentary film: new diegesis, new ethic and new technology. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 26(50).
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documentary, comedy, humour, reality

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