The hacker culture in transmedia strategies of TV series: the case of Mr. Robot (2015 2019)



Published 30-05-2022
Sergio Jesús Villén Higueras Francisco Javier Ruiz del Olmo


The objective of this investigation is to analyze the connections established between the hacker culture and the transmedia strategies of TV series. For this purpose, the series Mr. Robot (2015‑2019) has been selected as a case study. From the analysis point of view, a qualitative methodology has been used. The main results show that Mr. Robot’s transmedia strategies incorporate contents based on free software, identity theft, retrocomputing, hacktivism, real-time hacking simulation, fictional cyberattack, social engineering, and the possibility of “hacking” the series itself.

How to Cite

Villén Higueras, S. J., & Ruiz del Olmo, F. J. (2022). The hacker culture in transmedia strategies of TV series: the case of Mr. Robot (2015 2019). ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 27(52).
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advertising, communication, transmedia, TV series

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