New promotion strategies in the Cultural Industries. The launch of Rosalía's Motomami album on TikTok



Published 30-11-2022
Cristina Pérez Ordóñez Andrea Castro-Martínez José Luis Torres-Martín


Rosalía is one of today's great musical icons and has focused a large part of her communication efforts on social networks. This paper analyses the promotion on TikTok of her album Motomami through a mixed research. A visual and narrative analysis of the videos from the first reference of the project to the presentation concert is carried out and also a  documentary review. Rosalía, in an innovative promotional strategy, has adopted the practices, visual resources and forms of production typical of the TikTokers, thus fostering a continuous dialogue with her followers.

How to Cite

Pérez Ordóñez, C., Castro-Martínez, A., & Torres-Martín, J. L. (2022). New promotion strategies in the Cultural Industries. The launch of Rosalía’s Motomami album on TikTok . ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 27(53), 189–211.
Abstract 1988 | pdf (Español) Downloads 1555



TikTok, Strategic Communication, Cultural industries, Music, Social Networks

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