Fact-checking of electoral debates: Comparative case study of Spanish fact-checkers agencies
Borja Ventura-Salom
Casandra López-Marcos
In a context characterized by misinformation, ideological polarization, and emerging bloc dynamics within the Spanish party system, it is of particular interest to address the tasks of verification in the realm of political communication. This study examines the fact-checking conducted by Newtral, Maldita, Efe Verifica, and Verificat during the electoral debate between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez-Feijóo. Through quantitative content analysis and descriptive statistical methods, it evaluates 66 fact-checks covering 27 candidate statements. The findings reveal a notable concentration of fact-checks in the debate's initial phase, primarily focusing on economic matters and the statements of candidate Alberto Núñez-Feijóo. The research highlights a significant level of consistency in statement selection and verification outcomes, largely influenced by the Comprobado fact-checking alliance. Additionally, the study emphasizes the provision of comprehensive explanations beyond mere checking and labelling.
How to Cite
fact-checking, fact-checkers agencies, missinformation, fake news, Spanish elections 2023, electoral debates
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