Multicultural Prints. The Troubles of the Contemporary Filmic Text in front of the Postmodern Critic Mutations
Imanol Zumalde
If until now Theory has gone behind Art so that methodological instruments and conceptual weapons have become adapted to the aesthetical fluctuation, nowadays they are the artistical forms that nourish from theoretical paradigms. I'm refering to Cultural Studies and the films which are shown all over the world that accept this ideological perspective. The path was open by Hollywood with puzzle films that reproduced the utopic neotribal mosaics defended by Cultural Studies, but long time ago this phenomenon made metastasis here. However, in Europe disidence is still possible.
How to Cite
Zumalde, I. (2011). Multicultural Prints. The Troubles of the Contemporary Filmic Text in front of the Postmodern Critic Mutations. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 13(24).
(c) UPV/EHU Press