Contenidos infantiles en televisión. Nueva técnica analítica Global



Published 22-02-2012
Mariano Cebrián Herreros


The article offers an analysis about the strategies of the childhood programming in the new dimensions of the television. For that reason is applied an analytical global technology and of integration capable of offering an overall view of the complex current programming of the contents according to the commanding models of the television. Opposite to the traditionals studies on that general practitioner centre only on the channels on this case the topic is approached by means of an approach in which there is interrelated the presence of the infantile contents in three big models of thecurrent television: the general practitioner of competitiveness irritated of the channels of state and autonomic coverage by means of heterogeneous contents, the multithematic one or of offers specializing in certain contents and the convergent one of the television with Internet that is giving his first steps to integrate the offers of both. Close to these strategies appear other combination of the three to explore new modals of exploitation multimedia of the television products and foreign others. The model who proposes in this work instead of raising the topic of a quantitative way centres on the qualitative aspects of the strategies, innovations and interrelationships of the three models.

How to Cite

Cebrián Herreros, M. (2012). Contenidos infantiles en televisión. Nueva técnica analítica Global. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 8(15).
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