De Sud Ouest a Euskal Herriko Kazeta:Territorialidad y sentimiento de pertenencia en los medios de comunicación escritos en Iparralde



Published 22-02-2012
Igor Ahedo Gurrutxaga Frank Dolosor


The variation experienced by the written mass media in Northern Basque Country (Iparralde) clearly reflects the changes this country has known during the past decades. The identity crisis related to the territory as a result of modernisation, and the centralistic state building that denied Lapurdi, Behe-nafarroa and Zuberoa's institutional recognition, traditionally resulted in a written mass media that ignored the Basque human and social milieu. However so, this setting is changing. In the early 1990s, the Northern Basque Country began to attain a self definition and compete with the longestablished commune-canton and department-region-state domains. Finally, the revival of Basque self-recognition has produced the emergence of some media with Basque regional scope.

How to Cite

Ahedo Gurrutxaga, I., & Dolosor, F. (2012). De Sud Ouest a Euskal Herriko Kazeta:Territorialidad y sentimiento de pertenencia en los medios de comunicación escritos en Iparralde. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 8(15).
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