La prevención del SIDA mediante cortos de ficción. Una investigación experimental



Published 25-04-2012
Juan José Igartua Orquídea Lopes


It was denoted that the designers' goal for their health messages is to stimulate an active cognitive processing in audiences who, on the whole, show little involvement. The Elaboration Likelihood Model by Petty and Cacioppo sustains that subjects with both high and low involvement react differently to their persuasive message exposure. One efficient way to capture the attention of the audiences with low involvement in health issues is inserting the messages within an entertainment context. The present study attempted to analyze the affective and cognitive processes in order to explain the impact from these new audiovisual formats for HIV/AIDS prevention films (fictional shorts). For this investigation, a 2 x 2 factorial experimental study was designed, using personal relevance or involvement in AIDS issue (high/low) and the type of audiovisual format (musical/dialogic) as independent variables. It was observed that the personal involvement had no restrains on the impact from the prevention short films with different framing. In accordance with the hypothesis previewed, the better quality the format was (with dialogic style) the more it stimulated the negative affectivity and also induced more cognitive processing, thus, it stimulated a more favorable attitude towards preventing behavior.

How to Cite

Igartua, J. J., & Lopes, O. (2012). La prevención del SIDA mediante cortos de ficción. Una investigación experimental. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 7(13).
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