Adolescentes e Internet. Mitos y realidades de la sociedad de la información



Published 25-04-2012
Magdalena Albero Andrés


The purpose of this article is to present the results of an exploratory study on the adolescent´s use of the Internet. The study aims to give some information on the social, emotional and symbolic uses of the Internet among 12 to 17 year olds resident in Barcelona and metropolitan area. The study explores how families, peer group culture, school, and previous media experience orientate the use of the Internet among adolescents. The results of the research show the existence of two levels of Internet access. On the one hand, to fulfill individual and group interests, related to leisure activities. On the other hand, to seek information that could be consciously selected and analyzed, in a process that could develop thinking and creativity skills. The first level of access is happening already, but not the second. In order for the second to take place it is necessary to develop new educational policies. These policies should help schools create needs for the adolescents to get involved in activities that require an active search and analysis of information.

How to Cite

Albero Andrés, M. (2012). Adolescentes e Internet. Mitos y realidades de la sociedad de la información. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 7(13).
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