Diferencias culturales y democracia
Michel Wieviorka
The text we offer is the lesson given by professor Michel Wieviorka in the opening act of the academic year 2001-2002 in the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences, University of the Basque Country, which was held in October 23, 2001, in our Aula Magna. Professor Wieviorka is one the greatest french sociologist nowdays. He is the studies director of the School of High Social Sciences Studies in Paris, and he is the director of the Center of Sociological Analisis and Intervention. He has done many sociological research projects all over the world, for example in the Basque Country.
How to Cite
Wieviorka, M. (2012). Diferencias culturales y democracia. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 7(12). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.6040
(c) UPV/EHU Press