Crónica de los hechos y patriotismo: El contenido de las revistas estadounidenses sobre los atentados del 11 de septiembre



Published 25-04-2012
Rodolfo Vidal


The terrorist attacks of September 11 of 2001 have been described as a new chapter in the History of mass communications, due to the manner in which the mass media covered the issue and their reactions. This paper shows the result of an analysis of the 20 most important magazines in the United States, in which their contents were dedicated completely (or almost) to this issue. Among the most important conclusions is the importance of photographic images as an informative medium in these magazines; as well as the lack of personal opinion found in their pages due to the quickness in which they were published. However, the most important genre is still that of the chronicle, which serves as a vehicle to explain the facts.

How to Cite

Vidal, R. (2012). Crónica de los hechos y patriotismo: El contenido de las revistas estadounidenses sobre los atentados del 11 de septiembre. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 7(12).
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