El encuadre mediático de la realidad social. Un análisis de los contenidos informativos en televisión



Published 25-04-2012
María Luisa Humanes


The research, that we present in this paper, has as subject the description of the mayor television news coverage. We have carried out a content analysis of the prime-time news programs in the five national television channels. The study revolves around the following questions: the selecting criteria and the journalistic salience given to the subjects, and the issues treatment. As theoretical approaches we use the agenda-setting model, the newsworthy values and the framing theory. Since the television has become the main way to find information about the world, doing research on what kind of representation of social realty is spreading by the news programs has interest for the academics and for the mass media professionals.

How to Cite

Humanes, M. L. (2012). El encuadre mediático de la realidad social. Un análisis de los contenidos informativos en televisión. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 6(11). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.6072
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