The hollywood motion picture production code (1930-1966) censorship, frames and hegemony



Published 09-12-2015
Alfonso Maximiliano Rodríguez de Austria


Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Production Code was not an imposition of the Catholic Church. The forces that implanted the code were more numerous and powerful, and its main objective was to maintain its hegemony over society at a time when it was weakening. One of the main keys to the defense of economic and ideological status quo was the creation of primary frameworks that would serve to interpret social problems in a univocal way. In this paper I treat the establishment of the code from the perspective of the analysis of these frames.

How to Cite

Rodríguez de Austria, A. M. (2015). The hollywood motion picture production code (1930-1966) censorship, frames and hegemony. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 20(39).
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