Sexuality and religion in the public sphere. Opinions of French students on mediatization of intimate sphere



Argitaratua 26-11-2020
Mihaela-Aleksandra Tudor Stefan Bratosin


This article explores the passive participation of French students within the construction of public opinion on sexuality and religion. The research was conducted on 375 French students’ sample, aged 18 to 23 in the second year of Bachelor's degree in Humanities and Social Sciences within a control environment of documentary research, discursive production, and audiovisual creativity. The experience took place over two consecutive years, respectively, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. The experiment was based on three distinct explorations corresponding to distinct individual cognitive experiences aimed at the representation, expression and meaning of the intimate limits assigned by students to public display through the mediatization of sexuality and religion. The opinion of French students on the mediatization of intimate sphere in view of their passive participation within the construction of this opinion feeds two scenarios: privatization of the public sphere and commodification of the intimate sphere.

Nola aipatu

Tudor, M.-A., & Bratosin, S. (2020). Sexuality and religion in the public sphere. Opinions of French students on mediatization of intimate sphere. Zer - Komunikazio Ikasketen Aldizkaria, 25(49).
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