Intertextual references in «Carne trémula» («Live Flesh», Almodóvar, 1997)



Published 01-10-2012
Pedro Poyato


One of the elements that characterizes the cinematographic work of Pedro Almodóvar is its transtextuality. The oeuvre of this filmmaker from La Mancha region of Spain are crossed by multiple intertextual references; fragments from other texts that generally appear in the form of cinematic quotations. The aim of this paper is to explore Almodóvar's intertextual allusions in the opening scenes of Live Flesh (Carne trémula, 1997) by locating and identifying these textual references, the manner in which they are integrated into the film, and finally the dialogues that emerge from the film's intertextual connections as a consequence of their cinematographic re-contextualization.

How to Cite

Poyato, P. (2012). Intertextual references in «Carne trémula» («Live Flesh», Almodóvar, 1997). ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 17(32).
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