Evolution of the municipality in Navarre: from Ley Paccionada to Provincial Law 4/2019 about Navarre local administration reform



Published 04-06-2024
Artitz Romeo Ruiz


One of the most paradigmatic elements of the Navarre fuero system is its local system. Navarre’s ample powers in terms of local administration, framed by its historical rights, have led to the configuration of its own, exclusive local system with important regulatory powers. The local system fuero framework was created from the Ley Paccionada of 1841, and has been evolving alongside the local system in Spain. This work analyses the evolution of the municipality in Navarre from the Ley Paccionada of 1841 up to the most recent reforms to Provincial Law 4/2019, amending Provincial Law 6/1990, from the Local Administration of Navarre, which articulates the territory’s regionalisation. The work concludes by proposing future-focused lines of thought.

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