No. 12 (2015): 13th Symposium on Historical and Autonomy Law of Vasconia: The events following the Statute of Gernika and the Improvement of the Charter of Navarra

Published: 01-12-2015


The Statute of Gernika: a retrospective look

Gurutz Jáuregui Bereciartu
Abstract 27 | PDF (Español) Downloads 13

Page 9-35

The initial implementation of the Improvement of the Charter of Navarra

Juan-Cruz Alli Aranguren
Abstract 18 | PDF (Español) Downloads 10

Page 37-92

Improvement of the Charter: a present-day analysis

Fernando De la Hucha Celador
Abstract 20 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 93-159

Reforms to the Improvement of the Charter of Navarra

Miguel José Izu Belloso
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 255-297

Can the right to decide be channelled in the Spanish legal order?

Iñaki Agirreazkuenaga Zigorraga
Abstract 12 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 299-237

The Right to Decide. An Analysis from the Theory of International Law

Joxerramon Bengoetxea Caballero
Abstract 28 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 299-337

Sources of Basque self-government and the right to decide: myth or reality in the European context

Juan José Álvarez Rubio
Abstract 25 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 363-392

The Catalan scenario: from the 2006 Statute to Constitutional Court Ruling 31/2010

Joaquín Tornos Mas
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6

Page 393-424

The idiosyncrasy of the Basque Country today

Miguel Herrero de Miñón
Abstract 18 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 425-437


The imprisonment and fate of female prisoners in Navarra

Paz Francés Lecumberri
Abstract 26 | PDF (Español) Downloads 12

Page 441-498


The enlightened Ordinances of the town of Elgoibar (1751)

María Rosa Ayerbe Iríbar
Abstract 20 | PDF (Español) Downloads 10

Page 501-572


Derecho civil navarro, de Elsa Sabater Bayle (vols. 1 y 2) y Belén Cilveti Gubía (vol. 2)

Roldán Jimeno Aranguren
Abstract 18 | PDF (Español) Downloads 13

Page 575-580

In memoriam

Rafael Mieza Mieg (1945-2015)

Gregorio Monreal Zia
Abstract 15 | PDF (Español) Downloads 10

Page 583-585

Adrián Celaya Ibarra (1917-2015)

Gregorio Monreal Zia
Abstract 14 | PDF (Español) Downloads 23

Page 587-594