
Statement of ethics and best practices

In order to ensure transparency in the publication process of contributions and in the associated conflict resolution procedures, Papeles de Identidad adheres to the international standards published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as the Best Practice Guide for Editors of Scientific Journals and the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK), proposed by the Elsevier publishing group. Therefore, the editorial team of Papeles de Identidad is committed to ensure compliance with the following ethical standards in all parties involved in the editorial process:


The editors of Papeles de Identidad have the following commitments: (1) they assume ultimate responsibility for decisions about the publication of evaluated manuscripts; although external evaluations play a fundamental role in such decisions, the final decision about publication does not rest with them. (2) Under no circumstances will the members of the various journal’s committees disclose information about a manuscript received to persons not directly involved in the editorial process. (3) The materials presented in a submitted manuscript will not be used for their own research by any of the persons who have access to it without the express consent of the author. (4) They guarantee the transparency of the contributions and the evaluation and publication processes. As editors, they guarantee the objective dialogue and confidentiality of the parties involved in the editorial process, committing to respond promptly and respectfully to questions and notifications.

The Code of Conduct and Best Practices for Journal Editors developed by COPE is available in its entirety and in English at the following link.


Authors who submit manuscripts to Papeles de Identidad undertake the following commitments: (1) they ensure that the manuscripts they submit to the journal are unpublished and original. In addition, if use has been made of the work of others, this work is properly cited and referenced. (2) they have not and will not publish the same research results in more than one journal. (3) they properly acknowledge the work done by others and cite such work. (4) Authorship is limited to those who have made significant contributions to the manuscript. The person submitting the manuscript is responsible for ensuring that all authors of the text are listed in the manuscript and that they have approved the version submitted to the journal. (5) If the manuscript submitted is part of any funded research, such funding should be noted in the appropriate sections.

Papeles de Identidad recommends authors to use inclusive language. It also encourages the inclusion of the sex variable in their data and the avoidance of gender stereotypes and biases.

To avoid research misconduct, see also Fraude en la investigación y Experimentación indebida con o en animales y humanos. To avoid serious professional misconduct, please refer to the reference guides at the following links: Plagiarism; Simultaneous submission, duplicate publication; Conflict of interest; Authorship disputes; Fragmentation


The reviewers who collaborate with Papeles de Identidad will develop their task according to the following ethical standards: (1) Any evaluator who does not feel qualified should notify this circumstance to the editors of Papeles de Identidad before beginning the evaluation process; (2) Manuscripts received for review should be treated as confidential documents. They will not be shared with anyone without the prior knowledge and authorization of the journal's editors; (3) Reviewers will argue all their decisions and statements so that the editors can make better decisions and the authors know how to improve the article; (4) Reviewers will declare conflicts of interest or disqualifications.

For more detailed guidelines for reviewers, please see the following link.

Editorial policy on gender equality

Papeles de Identidad follows good practices in gender equality through the equal presence of women and men in the different editorial bodies of the journal and among the evaluators to whom the journal turns to in the editorial work that gives rise to each issue. We recommend that authors who publish in Papeles de Identidad use inclusive language in their articles (see guide in Spanish here), to include the sex variable in their work, and we inform them, if necessary, of the gender biases and stereotypes in the data on which the research results published in the journal are based, so that they can avoid them.


Reviewers (since 2022)

Year 2023

Aguado, Yolanda, UNED

Aguiar, Sebastián, UDELAR

Aguiles, Juan Manuel, Universidad de la Rioja

Berman, Mónica, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Bernad, Olga, Universidad de Lleida

Caballero Gálvez, Antonio, Universitat Rovira i Virgil

Camarero, Luis A., UNED

Camusso, María de los Ángeles, Universidad Abierta Iberoamericana

Carbajo, Diego, UPV/EHU

Castelló, Rafael, Universitat de València

Cingolani, Gaston, Universidad Nacional de las Artes

Cossia, Lautaro, ORT

Coury, David, University of Wisconsin

Cravino, María Cristina, Univeresidad de Buenos Aires

Diogo, Carlos, Universidad Lusófona de Lisboa

Escudero, Luis Alfonso, UCLM

Fernández, José Luis, Universidad de Buenos Aires

García Bresó, Javier, UCLM

García, Joseba, UPV/EHU

Garreta, Jordi, Universitat de Lleida

Gasparri, Javier, CONICET

Grondona, Ana, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Martínez, Ion, Universidad de Navarra

Mimenza, Libe, UPV/EHU

Niemetz, Diego, CONICET

Norandi, Mariana, UPV/EHU

Obesco, Icaro, Universidad de Oviedo

Parra, Noemí, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Peña, Simón, UPV/EHU

Pérez Bustos, Tania, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Peris, Jaume, Universitat de València

Raoul, Maiween, IHEAL

Robledo, Luis, Universitat de València

Rodríguez Rejas, María Jose, Universidad Autónoma

Rodríguez, Virginia, Universidad Cardenal Cisneros

Romero, Héctor, UNED

Schaufler, Laura, Universidd Nacional de Entre Ríos

Serra, Marcello, Universidad Carlos III

Valdettaro, Sandra, Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Year 2022

Aguado, Txetxu, Darmouth College

Amézaga, Asier, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Blanco, María Florencia, IDAES – UNSAM

Caballero, Sergio, Universidad de Deusto

Callejo, Javier, UNED

Casado-Neira, David, Universidade de Vigo

Casquette, Jesús, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Cepeda, Emilio, UNED

Cerviño, Irimia, Universitat de Lleida

Chinchurreta, Jhoana, Universidad de la Rioja

De Miguel, Estibaliz, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Diego, Carlos, Universidad Lusofona de Lisboa

Fernández, Tomás, UNED

Filardo, Verónica, UDELAR

Garguín, Enrique, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Gil Jimeno, Javier, UPNA

Gil, Sandra, CONICET

Gorbán, Débora, Universidad General Sarmiento

Herrera, Nicolas, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Jaciuk, Marina, Universidad Católica de Eichstatt

Kallin, Brita, Georgia Tech

Larrauri, Sergio, IER

López Pedreros, Ricardo, UCL Institute of the Americas

Luque, Emilio, UNED

Martin, Annabel, Darmouth College

Martín, Guillermo, Universidad de Groningen

Medina, Raquel, Aston University

Moreiras-Menor, Cristina, University of Michigan

Muir, Sarah, CUNY

Nez, Hélöise, Université de Tours

Ortiz, Cristina, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay

Pando, María Jesús, Universidad de Deusto

Romero-Delgado, Marta, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Romero Ramos, Héctor, UNED

Rossal, Marcelo, Universidad de la República

Sánchez Verdejo, Francisco Javier

Santiago, Jose, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Schapira, Marie-France, Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis

Stern, Claudi, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Trujillo, Ana Isabel

Weisz, Eduardo, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Woods, Eva, Vassar College

Zecchi, Barbara, University of Massachusets

Zylberman, Lios, CONICET


History of the Journal

Papeles de Identidad. Contar la investigación de frontera is framed within the work of the research group Kontu Laborategia. El trabajo de contar en la investigación de frontera, and how it seeks to become a space of reference for the academic expression of theoretical and methodological proposals on the frontier of knowledge available in the social sciences, preferably but not only welcoming research results from the social and human sciences on identity, in a broad conception of this. Sensitive to academic diversity, Papeles de identidad bets on a thoughtful, reflexive and slow process of selection, discussion and edition of texts, which nurtures a serious academic life, prioritizing and favoring open discussion and quality.

Papeles de Identidad succeeds Papeles del CEIC, published by the Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva, of the University of the Basque Country until 2024. In its first period (2001-2006) it collected the production of the permanent and guest researchers of the CEIC. In its second period (2006-2024) it regularly published two issues per year with original articles organized in monographs or free themes. Now, it broadens the scope of its objectives and adjusts them to those of the publishing research group.



Kontu Laborategia. El trabajo de contar en la investigación de frontera

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea