
Papeles de Identidad is structured in four main sections: Research Articles, Critical Papers, Fundamentals, and Inherited Identity. Research articles may be collected in thematic monographic issues in collaboration with guest editors.

Research articles. The main section of Papeles de Identidad collects complete and developed original research papers, both theoretical and empirical. The journal is permanently open to receive texts for this section. The maximum length of the texts submitted is 8,000 words, including footnotes, titles, abstracts, and keywords. Articles will be reviewed using the double-blind system.

Critical papers aims to collect texts that comment and analyze on different materials produced in any format (books, audiovisuals, film fiction, blogs, etc.) that are related to the journal’s focus and scope. Their maximum length is 2,500 words. Texts must indicate the title of the work commented, the author, the year and, if applicable, the publisher or production company. The text should include the name, institutional affiliation and e-mail address of the author of the critique, as well as, if available, the links that allow access to part or to the whole commented material. The proposal is subject to evaluation by the Papeles de Identidad editorial committee and its advisors in the field. Submissions are open until two months before the closing date of the corresponding edition (end of December and end of June). A maximum of four "Critical Papers" will be published per issue and, if any, preferably associated with the monographic theme.

Fundamentals gathers texts that are especially significant for the development of the theoretical debate in the areas of interest of Papeles de Identidad. They are published texts in other venues, which are not evaluated for publication in the journal, but which incorporate key elements of reflection on the topics’ foundations addressed in the issue. The reception of proposals is permanently open. If the texts do not arrive due to a request from the editorial team, they must be accompanied by a letter explaining the interest in their publication and, in the case of previously published texts, the appropriate permissions for their translation and/or republication must be included.

The section Inherited Identity includes didactic, critical, problematizing articles that deal predominantly with: 1) concepts that question the issue of identity; or 2) authors who, in their work, have contributed stimulating reflections on identity, addressing it head-on, or taking a few detours through its different manifestations (race, nationality, gender, generation, community, class, etc.); or 3) 1 and 2 together. The section is nourished by unpublished texts, preferably short (between 4,000 and 5,000 words). Prior to their publication, the works will be read and discussed by the editors of the section and by specialists in the specially convened topics.

Monographic issues. Papeles de Identidad accepts proposals for monographic issues or calls for the submission of articles on a topic of interest and entrusts its edition to a guest editor. In the case of wanting to propose an issue, the editors must send a reasoned proposal to the journal’s e-mail address (, justifying the interest of the proposal, its affinity with the journal’s focus and scope and, if applicable, the texts and authors that could make up the bulk of the issue. If the proposal is approved, the call for papers will be published on the journal’s website at least one year prior to the publication of the issue. All papers submitted must adhere to the formal characteristics of research articles and will receive the same treatment as research articles (double-blind review). The reception of proposals is open throughout the year, although there is a period of 18 to 24 months between the approval of the proposal and its possible publication.