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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The author ensures that the work has not been previously published or is not being evaluated in parallel in another journal (and if so, an explanation of the particularities of the case has been provided in Comments).
  • The format of the paper conforms to that indicated in the "guidelines for authors" section. Specifically, compliance with the length and citation system has been checked.
  • If the paper is sent to the Research Articles section, it must be properly anonymized: any name of the authors has been deleted as well as any reference to an author in the text (in the bibliography, the body of the text and the footnotes) is replaced with "Author" and year, etc. The author's name has also been removed from the document properties, which can be found in the File menu in Microsoft Word.
  • The text should include: atitle in two languages, normally Spanish and English; abstract of 150-250 words; and 4-5 keywords in both languages. This information must be included both in the text itself and in the metadata of the journal’s webpage.
  • In the case of including images, attach them as additional files in jpg or png format and with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi.
  • All authors have indicated their ORCID registration in the article metadata. If you do not have it, please register at: http://orcid.org/.
  • All the authors of the paper have indicated their institutional address in the metadata of the article in the “institution” box of the form.