As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The author ensures that the work has not been previously published or is not being evaluated in parallel in another journal (and if so, an explanation of the particularities of the case has been provided in Comments).
The format of the paper conforms to that indicated in the "guidelines for authors" section. Specifically, compliance with the length and citation system has been checked.
If the paper is sent to the Research Articles section, it must be properly anonymized: any name of the authors has been deleted as well as any reference to an author in the text (in the bibliography, the body of the text and the footnotes) is replaced with "Author" and year, etc. The author's name has also been removed from the document properties, which can be found in the File menu in Microsoft Word.
The text should include: atitle in two languages, normally Spanish and English; abstract of 150-250 words; and 4-5 keywords in both languages. This information must be included both in the text itself and in the metadata of the journal’s webpage.
In the case of including images, attach them as additional files in jpg or png format and with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi.
All authors have indicated their ORCID registration in the article metadata. If you do not have it, please register at:
All the authors of the paper have indicated their institutional address in the metadata of the article in the “institution” box of the form.
Rules and criteria for submission
The texts submitted to Papeles de Identidad must comply with the following characteristics:
- Papeles de Identidad submits to evaluation works of an empirical and/or theoretical nature whose contents are in line with the focus and scope of the journal.
- Papeles de Identidad accepts texts written in any academic language, preferably Spanish, Basque, English, and French. The texts, in whatever language they are sent, must be correctly written and grammatically and spelling checked. In any language, authors are invited to use inclusive language (for a guide in Spanish, please see the following link).
- Before submitting their papers, authors should ensure that their texts comply with the "Good scientific and editorial practices" referred to in the following link. Authors are encouraged to take into account sex as a variable in their work and to always avoid gender stereotypes and biases.
- Papers submitted will be unpublished and cannot be submitted to review to other journals while they are being evaluated by Papeles de Identidad. If the authors consider this to be justified, they should duly indicate it in Comments.
- The proposed paper must be sent by registering as an author by all the signatories of the text in the "user" menu.
- Papers should be submitted in Reach Text Format (rtf) or Microsoft Word (doc) via the journal's website. No other means of submission will be accepted.
- For Research Articles and Fundamental sections, papers should be no longer than 8,000 words and no shorter than 7,000, including bibliography and tables. For the Inherited Identity section, texts should be around 4,000 and 5,000 words. For the Critical Papers sections they should not exceed 2,500 words.
- In the Research Articles section, papers should include the title in Spanish (or the language in which the text is written) and English (or Spanish if the text is in English or in a language other than Spanish), an abstract of 150-250 words and 3-4 key words in both languages.
- The paper should include title, abstract and keywords in two languages (usually the language of the paper and English or Spanish) in the text itself and in the step 3 of the text uploading process ("Entering submission metadata"). To do this, the language must be changed in the icon that allows it.
- In the metadata sheet of the text, the name of the author(s), the institutional affiliation (university or center, department or unit), city and country and, in all cases, the complete institutional address. The ORCID number as well as all authors’ e-mail must also be indicated. In the case of multiple authorship, the person who will correspond with the journal should be designated.
- The images contained in the work will be inserted in the appropriate place in the text. In addition, they will be attached separately as an additional file in jpg or png format with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi. They will be numbered and titled, their source will be specified at the bottom, and explicit reference will be made to them in the text.
Text format
- Typeface and font size: Times New Roman 12.
- Single-spaced text, except footnotes, and justified.
- Page margins: 3 cm/3cm/3cm/3cm/3cm.
- Notes accompanying the text must be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page.
- Pages should be numbered at the foot of the page starting from the title page.
- Sections shall be numbered and titled in lower case and bold. Up to three subsections are allowed.
Citations and bibliographic references
- Cite in parentheses, including author's last name, year and page(s); e.g. (Hall, 1996, p. 37).
- Literal quotations should be in quotation marks and followed by the corresponding reference in parentheses, which must include the pages cited. If they are longer than four lines, they should be transcribed separately from the main text, with greater indentation.
- Only works cited in the text should be included in the bibliography.
- The order will be alphabetical according to the author’s surname.
- All references should be French indented.
- The reference guide of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its 7th edition will be used for the bibliographic listing. Some examples:
- [BOOKS – one author] Haraway, D. J. (1995). Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La reinvención de la naturaleza. Cátedra-Universidad de Valencia.
- [BOOKS – more than one author] Hall, S., & du Gay, P. (Eds.). (1996). Cuestiones de identidad cultural. Amorrortu.
- [BOOK CHAPTERS – one author] Bauman, Z. (1996). From pilgrim to tourist –or a short history of identity. In S. Hall & P. du Gay (Eds.), Questions of cultural identity (pp. 18-36). Sage Publication.
- [BOOK CHAPTERS – author chapter same as of the book] De Lauretis, T. (1992). Semiótica y experiencia. In Alicia ya no. Feminismo, semiótica, cine (pp. 251-294). Cátedra-Universidad de Valencia.
- [ARTICLES – one author] Piette, A. (1992). Les rituels: du principe d'ordre à la logique paradoxale. Points de repère théoriques. Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, XCII(1), 163-179.
- [ARTICLES – more than one author] Brubaker, R., & Cooper, F. (2000). Beyond "identity". Theory and Society, 29(1), 1-47.
- For hree or more authors, use et al.
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- Notice — When reusing or distributing the work, you must make clear the terms of the license of this work.
The author may make free use of his/her article, always indicating that the text has been published in Papeles de Identidad and that any re-publication of the article must be authorized by the journal.
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