Forced mobility, professional paths, private life: What are the challenges faced by bank executives?



Isabel Bertaux-Wiame


This article deals with executives in the banking industry, a social and professional group that is considered privileged. However, despite their privileged status, an analysis based on in-depth interviews with both men and women banking executives evidences tensions between their professional lives and their private lives, as they and their families are forced into geographical mobility in order to secure their careers. The classic model of sexual division of labor within couples places a double obligation of success on these workers: toward their employers and toward their families, who must consent to "follow them" in their professional nomadism. The contradictions observed, the factors of destabilization, can turn into factors of resistance when these executives are unwilling to accept the conjugal cost of geographic mobility and their partners oppose managerial imperatives.
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professional paths, bank executives, geographic mobility, gender

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