Rationalization and community building in the economic sphere. The shades of individualism in Weber's theory of modernity



Emiliano Torterola


By reading Weber's main texts about the theory of modernity – such as The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and General Economic History- the conclusion could be reached that the rationalization of the economic sphere leads to an ongoing depersonalization and to the formalization of societal relationships. However, his theory does have certain shades to it, both from a historical-cultural perspective as under the light of some main weberian sociological categories. The aim of this article is to discuss the complexities concealed by the most usual interpretations of the sociological theory at the beginnings of the 20th Century –including that of Weber– concerning the development of the modern economic individual as epicenter
of the passage from the warm communal bonds to the instrumental associative relationships.
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protestantism, community, market

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