Social Psychology and identity: difficulties for a psychosociological analysis
Anastasio Ovejero
The "golden age " of social psychology was related with its interdisciplinarity. But when social psychology adopted positivism, interdisciplinarity and "golden age " went away. Moreover, the rise of economics, not as a social science but a science of free market, has replaced social psychology for explain the human behavior and the social actions. If social psychology wants to recover its lost relevant position within the social sciences, it must make these two things: first, to face the economics explanations of human behavior, and analyze how macrosocial processes constitute the human personality and the human identity; and second, to leave behind its positivism to analyze the psychosociological processes and concepts, as is the case of human identity. The identity concept is necessary a psychosocial concept, a concept that narrowly connect the subjective and psychological, on the one hand, and the social and collective, on the other hand. Because of this, social psychology needs an interdisciplinary approach, approach that will possible only if the discipline abandon the positivism.
social psychology, interdisciplinarity, identity, antipositivism
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