"Good Migrant" vs. "Bad Migrant": Nation-Building, Social Government and Meritocratic Rhetorics in Italian Integration Policies



Published 12-09-2018
Luca Sebastiani


This paper focuses on Italy's immigrant integration policies. It deepens into discourses about "Italian" identity and values vs. "Migrant" supposed ones. The empiric discussion tackles two main issues: 1) the existence of ambivalent representations, fluctuating between a call to active participation within the integration process and the problematization of the migrant as the cultural Other, characterized by social and cultural shortages related to his/her origin; 2) a moral and meritocratic discourse aimed to constantly differentiate between "good" and "bad" migrants. The analysis emphasizes the persistence of State Thought and shows that both the ambivalent representations promoted, and the logics of differential inclusion produced by these policies, are not contradictory among them, but rather mutually supporting. The conclusions point to a wider transformation that has affected not only integration policies, but more generally speaking, the neoliberal social government as a whole
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Italy, Immigrant integration policies, nation-building, social government, meritocracy

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