The Global Tribe of Football. Rituals and Identities in Transformation at the Finals of the UEFA Champions League



Published 01-03-2020
Manuel Eduardo González-Ramallal
Aníbal Mesa López
José Luis Castilla Vallejo


In this paper we observe the changes produced in the ceremonial of the UEFA Champions League finals, the main European competition of male football clubs, from its beginning to the present (1993-2018). Attending the ritualization at the previous moments and after the game, we analyse a wide range of elements present in the ceremonial, through its television broadcast. As a result, it is noted a clear process of complexity leaded by UEFA, the institution organizing the event, that aims to consolidate a position of dominion over the world of football and become the main promoter of a global identity around the football "tribe". Supported by empirical evidence, we identify three phases or periods of transformation in the evolution of ceremonial, ranging from an inertial stage regarding the previous format of the tournament (1993-2000) to another one of stabilization of changes (2010 onwards), passing by a stage of consolidation of the ritual innovations introduced (2000-2010).

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global tribe, ritual, Champions League, identity, ceremonial

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Single Topic Issue. Sport and National Identity