Unbalanced inclinations



Published 30-09-2019
Adriana Cavarero


This text derives from the "Jornadas Cuerpo, memoria y representación" [Workshop Body, memory and representation] organized by the Research Group Cos i Textualitat [Body and Textuality] and the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The text was first published in 2014 in Cuerpo, memoria y representación. Adriana Cavarero y Judith Butler en diálogo (Begonya Sáez, ed., Barcelona, Icaria, pp. 17-38). In this text the author thinks about the inherently vulnerable condition of human being, its constitutive exposition. Vulnerability is absent from Western philosophy, ruled by a conception of the subject characterized by verticality; an autonomous, straight, violent subject: the warrior, for who the vulnerable is the object to kill. In opposition to that perspective, Cavarero thinks about the inclined geometry of the body without protection, not the warrior anymore, but the mother that twists because of the vulnerability of the infant she is carrying in her arms.

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vulnerability, inclination, defenseless, relational ontology, autonomy

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