The Archaeology of Disappearance



Published 01-03-2020
Alfredo González Ruibal


I explore here the economy of disappearance of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries from an archaeological point of view. Starting from biopolitical premises, I examine the physical disappearance of human beings and the annihilation of subjectivities as part of a larger system of elimination, in which the concealment of the capitalist cycle of consumption is included. Based on specific examples, I argue that contemporary power hides or is virtualized in order to carry out the work of disappearance; that there is an homology between the annihilation of people and things (with the concept of waste underpinning both); that the work of making disappearance disappear (the erasure of traces) is impossible and that archaeology can thus thwart the fantasy of the perpetrators. The article concludes with two case studies which represent the transformation of the economies of disappearance throughout almost one century: a concentration camp as paradigm of the old economy and a space of marginality as an example of the new one.
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archaeology of the contemporary past, subjectivity, political violence, concentration camps, rubbish

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Single Topic Issue. New Disappearances, new Spaces