Presentation. Forms of inclined identity: spaces, images and mediations



Published 30-09-2019
Oihana Garro Larrañaga
Olaia Miranda Berasategi


This text presents the monographic issue "Forms of inclined identity". The issue intends to unfold the proposal of an "inclined identity" of the philosopher Adriana Cavarero through different practices and contemporary artistic materializations. In opposition to the rectitude and closed exteriority of modernity or the postmodern "free fall", this inclined geometry is presented —from the radical relation and the dependency of that which coexists— as a possibility of both material and identity uplift. Based on that idea, the texts of this monographic issue try to think on the correspondences that emerge from inclined identity and some materializations and mediations of conemporary art. In addition to the work of Adriana Cavarero presented at the Fundamental section, the issue gathers contributions by Oihana Garro and Olaia Miranda, Nerea Ayerbe and Jaime Cuenca, Begonya Saez Tajafuerce and Beatriz Cavia Pardo. The section Critical Papers contains the works of Lidia Montesinos, Marion Cruza Le Bihan and Andrea Zarza.

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identity, art, inclination, relation

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