Presentation. New disappearances, new spaces



Published 01-03-2020
Pamela Colombo


In the 21st century, together with the emergence of new forms of disappearance, new spaces appear associated (for example, the Arizona-Sonora desert that seems to swallow those who cross it as if it were a «killing machine» or the Mediterranean Sea where the European States «let migrants die»). The new types of disappearance not only present particular dynamics with respect to the disappearances that we already knew, but the very role of space seems to have been deeply modified. The novelty that this special issue brings is to propose a discussion about the role that space plays in the emergence of new forms of disappearance and to investigate, also, «old disappearances» but looking into spaces until now scarcely analyzed in relation to the forced disappearance of people.

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space, disappearance

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Single Topic Issue. New Disappearances, new Spaces