Presentation. Sport and national identity: linkages and disconnections in post-national contexts



Published 01-03-2020
Ramón Llopis Goig


TThis article is the presentation of the issue on «Sport and national identity» by Papeles del CEIC. The introduction highlights the historical simultaneity in the emergence of sport and the building of modern Nation-States, as well as the role of the former in the processes of building of national identities. Next, reference is made to the transformations caused by the processes of globalization and its impact in the articulation of collective identities and sport. The dossier includes a paper that analyses the way in which the social history of football can serve to think about the national identity of Brazil; two papers that explore the challenges concerning collective identity faced by a club like Athletic de Bilbao en in the current context of commodification and globalization of sport; a paper that studies how football players with dual identities negotiate their allegiances to their home and adoptive countries when they play with the increasingly multi-ethnic national teams of countries like Germany, Switzerland and France and, finally, a paper that analyses the changes produced in the ceremonial of the UEFA Champions League finals and the way in which they are contributing to the formation of a global identity. The issue ends with two reviews of the books Sociología del Deporte (2017) and Antropología del deporte. Lineamientos teóricos (2017).

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football, globalization, nationalism, sports clubs, national teams

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Single Topic Issue. Sport and National Identity