The anti-sociological and techno-expert management of Covid-19 pandemic



Published 20-03-2021
Danilo Martuccelli


The article proposes a set of critical reflections on the techno-expert management of the covid-19 pandemic. Leaning on the two major prevention strategies put into practice, quarantines and distancing, the text is not interested in the differentials results at the national level, nor in the reasons that led to their implementation. What it is analyzed are the presuppositions and social imaginaries underlying the decisions made, the homogeneity of the measures that were generalized with very little attention to local contexts, and the ideals of sociability that were mobilized. Above all the article analyzes the tension between the face-to-face and the virtual relations, between a sociability founded on interaction and a sociability that tends to be conceived out from generalized connectivity, as well as the way in which this potentially redesigns a whole new social hierarchy of trades and activities. It is this disparate set of imaginaries, trends and measures that the article criticizes for its anti-sociological and decontextualized nature.
Abstract 2036 | texto (Español) Downloads 562 discusión (Español) Downloads 116



anti-sociology, sociability, experts, pandemic, covid-19

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