The Journey to the Crisis of Industrial Identity



Published 05-10-2021
Ander Gurrutxaga Abad


The point of observation is the Left Bank of the Nervión, a manufacturing area, made of steel industry, mines and shipbuilding. Iron and ships create the industrial identity. The community is formed and nourished by the workers' culture, social encounters on the working site and coexistence in the city and the neighborhoods. The urban landscape designs dense environments, social life is composed of factory relationships. The crisis breaks the factory environments, iron and ships are transformed into history. The life on the pit is replaced by nostalgia and melancholy. Deindustrialization breaks the ways of life and the rupture is transferred to the generational connection. The future is the slow pilgrimage to uncertain destinations. The Left Bank is searching, the name follows but the contents are different.

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identity, industry, ways of life, de-industralization, vacuum

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