“A door opened”. Seers, chosen ones, and mediums in contemporary religious settings (Salto, Uruguay and Girona, Spain)



Published 25-03-2022
Sibila Vigna


Spirits of the dead, beings of light, malignant entities and celestial messages have not lost their relevance in contemporary beliefs, among those for whom sensory experiences are interpreted as contacts with the supernatural and the extraordinary. The protagonists of this article describe persistence and continuity in the perception of this kind of stimulus throughout their lives, associated with spiritual itineraries that identify them as seers, chosen ones, or mediums with special mandates of divine origin. In conversation with the work of others on the patterns and contexts of visions and mediumcy, this article explores cultural ideas behind, and the integration of extraordinary experience in the everyday, and its articulation with different social and religious settings, based on ethnographic fieldwork in Salto (Uruguay) and Girona (Spain). The patterns explored include the praxis of belief based on the communication without intermediaries with spiritual entities, the place of the body in the experience of the sacred, repertoires of the esoteric and personalized configurations of religious discourse.

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visions, transcendent experience, spirituality, New Age

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