The Transcendence of the Nation and the Person: The Heroic, the Post-Heroic and their Modern Narratives
The purpose of this paper is to carry out an analysis of two narratives present in today’s societies: the heroic-national and the post-heroic, which offer us an accurate measure of the sacralizing or re-sacralizing character of modern and secular societies. To carry out this task, we will first establish the conceptual bases on which the processes of modern sacralization are articulated, using the concepts of transcendence and religiosity in the works of authors as significant as Georg Simmel, Émile Durkheim, Alfred Schütz and Thomas Luckmann or Max Weber. Once this work has been done, and in a second moment, we present two of the most important sacralizations linked to the «Secular Era»: those that are articulated around the nation and the person. In this way, based on them and in a third step, we will carry out an in-depth analysis of the two narratives mentioned above, reaching the conclusion that they currently coexist in a state of dynamic tension, acting as clear symbols of the religious-secular vitality and of the great heterogeneity of formulas of sacralization that this era harbors.
nation, sacralization of the person, heroic narrative, post-heroic narrative
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