The porters, metaphors of the border. An intersectional look at postcolonial documentaries on the Spanish-Moroccan border



Published 28-09-2022
Mar Binimelis-Adell Miguel Fernandez Labayen


This article analyzes the documentary representations of porters, cross-border workers on the Spanish-Moroccan border and, for the most part, women. They cross the border carrying heavy bundles of products that will be sold in an illegal but lucrative commercial procedure for the countries involved. They play a secondary role of a practice that entails physical danger and violations of rights and in which gender dynamics intervene among other axes of inequality. A few documentaries have addressed this figure; among them Europlex (Ursula Biemann and Angela Sanders, 2003), the piece Women from the documentary project Connected Walls (Irene Gutierrez and Youssef Drissi, 2014) and Bab Sebta (Randa Maroufi, 2019). These films show how these women materialize the border, both through their «container-bodies» as well as through the feminization of poverty that stands out in the three productions. The article proposes an analysis from an intersectional approach that highlights the role of racial, gender and class issues, specifically when gender dynamics come into play.

Abstract 294 | texto (Español) Downloads 478



porters, intersectionality, Spanish-Moroccan border, postcolonial documentary

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