Inhabiting the Cracks: Auto-Ethnographies and Narratives of Identity in G. Anzaldúa and A. Lord



Published 28-09-2022
Carolina Meloni González


We find in the work of Gloria Anzaldúa and Audre Lorde a whole narrative about identity from two fundamental axis: on the one hand, both develop a kind of auto ethnography and inner trip through the writing itself, in which language and words are intertwined with life, fear and the memory of the authors. On the other hand, this writing is understood as the place to cure the wounds, transforming silence and the oppressions suffered into a true alchemy of the soul. It is about naming what has no name, repoliticize anger and situate us in the cracks of trauma, that the most absolute expropriation that racism, patriarchy and colonization could provoke. This article deals with this process of auto-construction of the self in both authors, process that is understood always as collective work and tool of world transformation. For both of them, writing transform itself in a ethic political compromise, a kind of imperative that not only goes through the form and style of writing and produce theory, but also the way to embody it in our own existences a feminist consciousness.

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decolonial feminism, identity, racism, Gloria Anzaldua, Audre

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Inherited Identity