The Houses of God: Religious Uses of Architecture in the Century of Secularization



Published 27-10-2023
Pablo Seman


The relationship between home and religion in modernity hides, behind the possibility of absolute separation presented by the secularization paradigm, various regimes of dialogue and imbrication between religion and society. In various cases, the house does not expel or isolate religion, but organizes itself in ways that weave it into its disposition. The house can be a place of deployment of a notion of person that includes the sacred as the final instance of a totality. And conversely, the church can blend in with a modern and prosperous and, therefore, sanctified home. Thus, homes and churches (houses of God) are crossed by secularization tendencies, but also by their counter-tendencies and their paradoxical forms. We will describe these alternatives keeping in mind that religion, as it is practised and lived nowadays,  more than a residue is a product of modernity.

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religion, secularization, house

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