Weaving the Nest. The Social Bonds that Make a Dwelling a Home
In discussion with the conception of "the house as a nest", proposed by Gaston Bachelard in his Poetics of Space (1957), from a sociological perspective a conception of the house is proposed based on its insertion in a web of social relations of three different types: those of the family, those of the neighbourhood and those of society, the latter being present through the infrastructure of urban services. It criticizes the conception of private ownership of housing and contrasts the policies of left-wing governments in Latin America and Southern Europe with the publicly owned social housing systems characteristic of the countries of North-Western Europe. Based on field research carried out in working-class neighborhoods in the city of Lille, France, the importance of hygiene and the relationship between the private, the intimate and the social are discussed, including as the territory of neighborhood activism.
home, popular classes, public policies, housing
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