Fictoreal humanity: creaturations and other women artifices
This article addresses the construction of femininity through narratives about the artificial woman. Alongside the history of what I refer to as creaturation (creature + creation) in literature and film, I explore the current coexistence with characters in general, and with creaturation in particular, in its humanising use of artificial intelligence. From its mythological genesis to the present day, this historical journey allows us to reflect on the construction of the feminine, essentially in terms of servility, abnegation, and as the work of man. The hypothesis of male creaturation is also questioned, with two fictional examples. The feminisation of AI serves to address the irrelevance of the gender binary and its role in (post)human identity. The study thus raises the implications of the persistence of this character and the socio-affective and identity effects of increasingly blurring fiction with reality.
criaturation, artificial inteligence, femininity, gender, character
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