Naming Rosa. Or how to imagine the lives of those who died in the Mediterranean
This story takes place in Catania, Sicily and has to do with the number of people who die trying to reach Europe without the authorisations required by the different States. It is also about men and women who have decided to take care of these dead by trying to identify them and contact their families. This is a complex undertaking, which is of little interest to us here. What does interest us is that some of the people who have engaged in such an activity have begun, almost without realising it, to give names (Assam, Rosa, Omar, Blessing) to several of the NN buried in the “quadrato migrant” of the local cemetery. This is not the result of an identification procedure. No. It is rather the will to imagine the life of these dead, the life they had in their countries of origin, the life they wished for in Europe and did not achieve. And in this naming and imagining lies a new social inscription for these dead.
identification, naming, imagination, border dead
Kobelinsky, C., y F. Furri (2024). Relier les rives. Sur les traces des morts en Méditerranée. La Découverte.

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