Can Attitudes toward Statistics and Statistics Anxiety Explain Students' Performance? // ¿Pueden las actitudes hacia la estadística y la ansiedad estadística explicar el rendimiento de los estudiantes?



Argitaratua 25-06-2015
Albert Sesé
Rafael Jiménez Juan José Montaño Alfonso Palmer


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between math background, trait anxiety, test anxiety, statistics anxiety, attitudes toward statistics and statistics performance in a sample of 472 university students enrolled in statistics courses of Health Sciences majors. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach showed the attitudes as the stronger direct predictor of performance, and played a full mediating role on the relationship between statistics anxiety and performance. Contrary to hypothesized, the direct contribution of math background, trait anxiety, and test anxiety to performance was non-significant. A final model posited that performance was positively and directly affected by attitudes, and in turn attitudes were positively influenced by math background and negatively affected by anxiety. Math background also appeared as negative predictor of anxiety. Finally, test anxiety was a positively direct predictor of statistics anxiety. 

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