Improving the prediction and understanding of academic success: The rol of personality facets and academic engagement



Published 19-01-2023
Cristina Serrano Sergio Murgui Yolanda Andreu


In predicting academic success and adopting a broader view of the factors involved, personality and, recently, academic engagement have emerged as relevant constructs. This study examined the predictive ability of the Five-Factor Model (domains and facets; Big Five Questionnaire) for academic achievement and engagement (Spanish Version Student Utrecht Work Engagement Scale) and the mediating role of engagement in the relationship between personality and achievement. Results obtained in a sample of 611 Spanish adolescents show that (1) Conscientiousness (domains and facets) have positive direct and indirect effects on academic achievement through engagement and (2) Openness shows only indirect effects; its facets display a pattern of opposing, unequal effects. These results do not vary by sex and underline the importance of examining more specific personality traits than those defined by the basic dimensions to increase the understanding of the relationships between personality and academic achievement and, with it, the ability to design strategies to improve it.

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