Impact of artificial intelligence on assessment methods in primary and secondary education: Systematic literature review



Published 30-06-2024
Miguel Martínez-Comesaña Xurxo Rigueira-Díaz Ana Ana Javier Martínez-Torres Iago Ocarranza-Prado Denis Kreibel


The educational sector can be enriched by the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) in various aspects. The field of artificial intelligence and its applications in the education sector give rise to a multidisciplinary field that brings together computer science, statistics, psychology and, of course, education. Within this context, this review aimed to synthesise existing research focused on provide improvements on primary/secondary student assessment using some AI tool. Thus, nine original research studies (641 participants), published between 2010 and 2023, met the inclusion criteria defined in this systematic literature review. The main contributions of the application of AI in the assessment of students at these lower educational levels focus on predicting their performance, automating and making evaluations more objective by means of neural networks or natural language processing, the use of educational robots to analyse their learning process, and the detection of specific factors that make classes more attractive. This review shows the possibilities and already existing uses that AI can bring to education, specifically in the evaluation of student performance at the primary and secondary levels.

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