About the Journal
Six-monthly journal for teachers and researchers, published since 1996, founded and directed by Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne for twelve years. The journal was first published on-line in 2010.
Over recent years it has gradually increased its impact factor in various databases, both in the Spanish and in the international scopes.
The Journal publishes scientific works conducted in accordance with the strictest scientific principles which contribute to the advance of scientific knowledge in the field in which psychology and didactics meet and overlap. In particular, it focuses on the meeting of educational psychology and the didactics of different subjects (language, literature, mathematics, social science, experimental science, physical expression, musical expression and plastic expression, etc.).
It is directed by Professor Igor Esnaola Etxaniz, from the University of the Basque Country.
Databases, catalogues and directories in which the Revista de Psicodidáctica is indexed: SSCI (ISI), Francis, Zeitschriften-datenbank, Cindoc (ISOC), Cirbic, Psicodoc, Psedisoc, Ccuc, Redalyc, Latindex, Rebiun, Compludoc, Google Scholar, Cbuc, Scopus, IRESIE.
The ISSN for the paper edition is 1136-1034 and the ISSN for the electronic edition is 2254-4372.
The information needed for subscription is on the paper edition that can be found on the Subscription Form.
All the articles from number 17 (1) (2012) on are published in both ENGLISH and the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE.
In order to browse the website in English, choose ENGLISH on the right column.
Current Issue
July–December 2023
Published: 30-06-2024
Impact of artificial intelligence on assessment methods in primary and secondary education: Systematic literature review
Trans reality in the educational system: A systematic review
The core features, internal relations, and gender differences in music academic engagement: A network analysis
Emotional intelligence and suicidal ideation in adolescents: The mediating and moderating role of social support
Does emotional awareness lead to resilience? Differences based on sex in adolescence
Involvement of executive functions, emotional intelligence, and study habits in mathematical problem-solving and calculation in elementary school
Personal and ethnic-cultural bullying in the Peruvian Amazon: Prevalence, overlap and predictors
School climate and substance use in a sample of Chilean adolescents
Generalizability of alignment and sorting effects in secondary education: Evaluation of the effectiveness of an activity for the entrepreneurial competence promotion
Effect of a psychoeducational intervention on motor and perceptual-visual development through the inhibition of primitive reflexes in schoolchildren from 4 to 7 years old
- Vol.28, No.2 (2023)
- Vol.28, No.1 (2023)
- Vol.27, No.2 (2022)
- Vol.27, No.1 (2022)
- Vol.26, No.2 (2021)
- Vol.26, No.1 (2021)
- Vol.25, No.2 (2020)
- Vol.25, No.1 (2020)
- Vol.24, No.2 (2019)
- Vol.24, No.1 (2019)
- Vol.23, No.2 (2018)
- Vol.23, No.1 (2018)
- Vol.22, No.2 (2017)
- Vol.22, No.1 (2017)
- Vol.21, No.2 (2016)
- Vol.21, No.1 (2016)
- Vol.20, No.2 (2015)
- Vol.20, No.1 (2015)
- Vol.19, No.2 (2014)
- Vol.19, No.1 (2014)
- Vol.18, No.2 (2013)
- Vol.18, No.1 (2013)
- Vol.17, No.2 (2012)
- Vol.17, No.1 (2012)
- Vol.16, No.2 (2011)
- Vol.16, No.1 (2011)
- Vol.15, No.2 (2010)
- Vol.15, No.1 (2010)
- Vol.14, No.2 (2009)
- Vol.14, No.1 (2009)
- Vol.13, No.2 (2008)
- Vol.13, No.1 (2008)
- Vol.12, No.2 (2007)
- Vol.12, No.1 (2007)
- Vol.11, No.2 (2006)
- Vol.11, No.1 (2006)
- Vol.10, No.2 (2005)
- Vol.10, No.1 (2005)
- Vol.9, No.1 (2004)
- Vol.15, No.1 (2003)
- Vol.14, No.2 (2002)
- Vol.13, No.1 (2002)
- Vol.2, No.11-12 (2001)
- Vol.1, No.10 (2000)
- Vol.9, No.1 (2000)
- Vol.1, No.8 (1999)
- Vol.1, No.7 (1999)
- Vol.1, No.6 (1998)
- Vol.1, No.5 (1998)
- Vol.1, No.3 (1997)
- Vol.1, No.3 (1997)
- Vol.1, No.2 (1996)
- Vol.1, No.1 (1996)