Faculty Preferences for Training Modalities on ICTs



Juan I. Martínez de Morentin Nere Amenabar Arkaitz Lareki


The goal of this research is twofold: firstly, to identify the possible differences in faculty’s attitudes
toward and use of new technological resources; and secondly, to identify the educational interaction
established with the students through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
A survey was administered to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Gipuzkoan Campus
faculty to measure the level of knowledge of ICT tools, the ICT training strategies being used, and the
faculty’s preferences on the training they would like to receive in relation to those tools. A total of 472
of the 1,074 faculty members of the aforementioned campus took part in the research. The analysis of
the data obtained from the survey provide us: a) a better understanding of the interrelation between
the faculty’s ICT knowledge and their teaching and research tasks; b) an identification of the faculty’s
preferred methods of acquiring such knowledge; and c) a precise determination of the relationship
between the level of ICT knowledge and the preferred learning methods.

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