Multidimensionality of Social Competence: Measurement of the Construct and its Relationship with Bullying Roles // Multidimensionalidad de la competencia social: Medición del constructo y su relación con los roles del bullying



Publicado 29-06-2017
Olga Gómez-Ortiz Eva María Romera Félix Rosario Ortega-Ruiz


The aims of this paper were twofold: to validate the Adolescent Multidimensional Social Competence Questionnaire (AMSC-Q) and to examine the social competence of those involved in bullying. The representative sample was composed of four thousand and forty seven (4047) Andalusian secondary school students (48.2% girls). Two measures were used: the AMSC-Q and the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (EBIPQ). The AMSC-Q measure yielding a five-factor structure (prosocial behaviour, social adjustment, normative adjustment, cognitive reappraisal and social efficacy) and revealed adequate reliability and validity. Victims presented greater prosocial behaviour and normative adjustment but low social adjustment and social efficacy. Bullies and bully victims demonstrated worse normative adjustment and less developed cognitive reappraisal but similar social adjustment and social efficacy. The social competence characteristics of those involved and non involved in bullying are discussed. 

Abstract 832 | PDF (English) Downloads 1720 PDF Downloads 1067

