Bidalketa prestatzeko egiaztatu beharrekoen zerrenda
Bidalketa-prozesuan, egileek egiaztatu behar dute beren bidalketak betetzen dituela ondoren eskatzen diren guztiak, eta baliteke bidalketa egileari itzultzea gidalerro horiek bete ezean.
Egileentzako gidalerroak
Journal policy. The Revista de Psicodidáctica publishes scientific works conducted in accordance with the strictest scientific principles, which contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field in which psychology and didactics meet and overlap. We accept manuscripts related to psychology, education and the different specific fields of didactics (language, literature, musical expression, plastic expression, physical expression, mathematics and experimental and social science).
Preference will be given to those papers which provide new information and which adequately develop the following sections: introduction, method (participants, instruments, procedure and statistical analysis), results, discussion and references. Manuscripts must be unpublished, and may not be in the process of publication or evaluation by any other journal.
Original documents. Manuscripts must be unpublished, and may not be in the process of publication or evaluation by any other journal. Manuscripts should be sent exclusively on-line to the journal's address: The author(s) should go to "Registro", and once they have registered as users, should follow the five steps outlined thereafter.
It is the sole responsibility of the author(s) to ensure permission for reproducing any illustration, text, table or figure taken from the work of another author and/or source. Said authorisation must be stated at the foot of the figure. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, all rights are automatically ceded to the Revista de Psicodidáctica/Journal of Psychodidactics.
Journal of Psychodidactics does not charge the authors any costs for the filing and processing of the articles (APC, articles processing charge).
Format and style. Manuscripts should be written in accordance with the guidelines given in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2009). They must be no longer than 15 journal pages (around 6,500 words, including abstracts, tables, references and appendixes). Manuscripts which fail to respect the publication guidelines will be returned to the authors for the necessary adjustments. When writing an article, we recommend that you follow the guidelines given in the documents "Complementary instructions for authors" and the "drafting template", available on the journal's website. Please bear the following specific recommendations in mind:
1. Texts should be written in an impersonal style.
2. All manuscripts should be submitted in Word, in 12pt Times New Roman font with simple spacing.
3. The first page should contain the title of the paper in Spanish (or original language) and English, the name and surname of each author, the institution to which they belong and a correspondence address. Papers with more than five authors will not be accepted. The wording of the text must preserve the authors' anonymity, and should avoid expressions such as "as we said in our previous work," etc.
4. The second page should contain an abstract in Spanish (or original language) and English, and a list of key words (between three and five). The abstract should be written as a single paragraph and should be no longer than 150 words.
5. The third page should start with the title of the manuscript, followed by the body of the text itself (complete with tables, figures and bibliographic references). Notes, if they must be included, should be clearly numbered and listed at the end of the text. Under no circumstances may they be used for citation purposes. The tables and figures, with their corresponding titles and legends, should be included in the relevant place in the text. APA guidelines should be followed for numerical or statistical notations:
- Decimals should be indicated with a point rather than a comma (e.g. not 4'38 or 4,38, but rather 4.38). Two decimal places are considered sufficient.
- Do not use a zero before a decimal point when the number cannot be higher than 1. This situation occurs, for example, in correlations, probabilities and significance levels, etc. For example: Not r(24) = -0.39, p < 0.05, "alfa" = 0.78, but rather r(24) = -.39, p < .05, "alfa" = .78.
- Any number which comes at the beginning of a sentence should be spelt out rather than written using digits.
- Etc.
6. Bibliographic references, both in and at the end of the text, should be provided in alphabetical order. Multiple entries for a single author should be listed by year of publication, from the oldest to the most recent. An entry for a single author should come before one with various authors beginning with the same surname. Entries with the same first author but different second and third ones should be listed alphabetically based on the surname of the second author (then the third author, etc.). Entries for the same author with the same year of publication should be distinguished by lower case letters after the year of publication, within the parentheses. When a cited work has eight or more authors, the names of the first six should be included, followed by three suspension points and then the name of the last author. Where available, DOIs should also be displayed (http//
In in-text citations, when a referenced work has two authors, both should always be cited. When a referenced work has three or more authors, all should be cited the first time the reference appears in the text, with the name of the first author followed by the expression et al. being given in any subsequent citations. When there are more than five authors, the name of the first author followed by the expression et al. should be used from the very first citation. For more information, please see
The following are some examples.
- Books:
Works with a single author: write the surname, comma, initial(s), full stop, year of publication in parentheses, full stop, title of the book in italics, full stop, place of publication, colon, publisher, full stop. If there is more than one author, all should be indicated, separated by commas, with the conjunction sign "&" before the last one. For example:
Pérez, R. (1990). Cambio conceptual. Bilbao: Landa.
López, C., Mora, L., & Fernández, M. (1991). Aprendizaje. Madrid: Sosa.
Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Recovered from
Various works by the same author:
Bruner, J. (1961). El proceso de la educación. Mexico: Uteha.
Bruner, J. (1985). En busca de la mente. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Bruner, J. (1988). Desarrollo cognitivo y educación. Madrid: Morata.
If the works were published in the same year, add a letter (a, b, etc.) after the year.
- Chapters:
Lukin, F. (1993). Los contenidos curriculares. In H. Hernández (Ed.), La escuela a examen (pp. 32-60). Bilbao: Nervión.
Lukin, F. (1993). Los contenidos curriculares. In H. Hernández (Ed.), La escuela a examen (pp. 32-60). Recovered from
- Journals:
Idiakez, I. (1995). Instrucción y emoción. Intercambio Científico, 31(6), 16-24.
Idiakez, I. (1995). Instrucción y emoción. Intercambio Científico, 31(6), 16-24. Recovered from
- E-documents, Internet links:
After a detailed identification of the document, include the URL address: [] (consulted on 30/05/04).
Author, A. A, Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of the e-document. Recovered from
7. At the end of the manuscript, add a brief five-line biography (no more than 75 words) of each author, indicating their current affiliation, highest academic title, areas of research and main publications.
Assessment The original manuscript will be reviewed firstly by the Board of Directors, who will assess its interest, pertinence and scientific rigor in accordance with the journal's criteria, as well as diverse formal aspects. Manuscripts which meet the Board's approval will then be sent to at least two external professionals for a double blind peer review process, i.e. a process in which both the referees and the authors remain anonymous. Following this process, the Editorial Decision will be issued and sent to the authors, along with the referee reports. A positive assessment of the manuscript by the referees does not guarantee publication; this decision will be made by the Board of Directors in accordance with current editorial priorities. Once the manuscript has been accepted, the Board of Directors will decide in which issue it is to be published.
The authors may suggest up to four possible referees whom they consider suitable for carrying out the peer review. Any suggestions must be clearly accompanied by a postal address and e-mail. All assessments are strictly confidential.
The referees will use the Review Form, to which they may add a complementary document.
Publication deadlines. The maximum deadline for accepting or rejecting a manuscript is five months. In each published paper, three dates will be indicated: date of receipt, date of review and date of admission. During the editing process, the author will receive galley proofs which they should check for possible errors. They may not, under any circumstances, add new text or material or make any stylistic corrections. Corrected proofs must be sent back to the journal within 3 days of receipt. For all papers published from 2012 onwards, authors will have one month from the definitive acceptance of their manuscript to provide a version of the text in another language: in English if the paper was submitted originally in Spanish, Basque or any other language; and in Spanish, Basque or another language if the manuscript was originally submitted in English.
Document last updated: 13 June 2016